CELL REPAIR. CELL REJUVINATION. CELL REGENERATION. No other kind of drinking water is scientifically proven to produce these benefits than the newly discovered activated hydrogen alkaline water or hydrogenated water.
Healing water or miracle water that claimed to cure health problems are found in various countries in the world. These locations include Lourdes France, Nordenau Germany, Delhi India, and Tlacote Mexico. But, what does these healing water have in common? What are the elements inside these water that give them healing properties? According to Dr. Sanetaka Shirahata (Graduate School of Genetic Resources Technology, Kyushu University), the so called miracle healing water all contains Active Hydrogen (atomic hydrogen) and Hydrogen (molecular hydrogen) in water. The healing effect is the result of the health benefits of drinking hydrogen-rich water.
Hydrogen Water and Autism Treatment
Recent studies by medical experts in autism have found a link between autism and oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is defined as an imbalance between pro-oxidants and anti-oxidants, resulting in damage to cell by reactive oxygen species (ROS). Reactive oxygen species include oxygen ions, free radicals and peroxides. Some researchers are suggesting that hydrogen gas as an antioxidant may be used as a form of treatment for mental disorders and autism.
A lab test has been done on a sample of tap water with the hydrogen water stick placed inside a 500ml PET bottle for 12 hours. No harmful elements have been found on the drinking water after 12 hours. The water quality conforms to the WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality 2011. For full report, click the image below.